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Professional playground called LinkedIn and ten characters you're likely to encounter here

Updated: Feb 20

As I've navigated this professional platform for almost a decade, I've come across a variety of entertaining characters that have captured my attention over the years. 

I want to emphasize that this article is intended to be light-hearted, and I have no desire to mock or offend anyone. It's merely a playful observation of the unique and entertaining personalities that populate our online work-life experiences – or at least my feed. 

However, I can't help but notice an underlying theme that concerns me. Amidst all the success stories showcased online, one's mental health could easily take a hit. Social media has made it all too simple for us to compare ourselves to others, and if we're not cautious, we might end up feeling inadequate. That's why I make it a point to approach every post I come across with a dash of scepticism and a healthy dose of cynicism. So, here is my list of 10 personalities you're likely to meet on LinkedIn.

The Not-So-Humble Bragger

LinkedIn is full of these! You might spot one on a popular post, saying, "I can't believe my tiny project got featured in Forbes!" While the (Not so) Humble Braggers pretend to be modest, they actually – very intentionally – boast about their accomplishments. I can't help but roll my eyes every time I see that. 

The LinkedIn "Thinker"

The LinkedIn "Thinker" believes they're an intellectual force, sharing deep thoughts with everyone. They post quotes and essays about leadership, life, and success. It's like they're competing for the title of LinkedIn's chief philosopher, or whatever. 

Mr. or Mrs Fancy Job Title 

I've come across quite a few fancy job titles on LinkedIn. These individuals seem to revel in crafting job titles that are as flashy as they are confusing. You'll find them sporting titles like "Visionary Strategist," "Chief Inspiration Officer," and "Global Catalyst." It really makes me wonder—what is it that these people do exactly and who are they trying to impress? 

The Connection Connoisseur

The Connection Connoisseur moves through LinkedIn with ease, befriending professionals left and right. They send personalised connection requests that make you think, "Do I know this person?" 

The Course Collector

The Course Collector loves learning and gathers LinkedIn courses like a squirrel gathering her nuts. They've taken courses on everything from data analysis to negotiation. It's amazing how they manage to learn 48 hours' worth of courses in a 24-hour day! Perhaps they took a course on speed learning...

The Career Shifter

I guarantee you know at least one of them. The Career Shifter switches industries as easily as changing socks. One moment they're a marketing expert, and the next, they're a tech whiz. With a constantly changing resume, they keep their network on their toes, always guessing what's next.

The Hashtag Collector

If you see a post with too many hashtags, you've met the Hashtag Collector. They use hashtags like hashtag#motivationhashtag#success, and hashtag#innovation, hoping for attention from the LinkedIn gods. Are they trying to set a world record for the most hashtags in a single post? I don't know.

The Endorsement Giver

You received a notification that someone has endorsed you for one or more skills. But then you realise you've never met or heard of this person before. A friendly force on LinkedIn, the Endorsement Giver generously hands out endorsements for just about anything you've listed in your profile.

The Visual Virtuoso

The Visual Virtuoso knows that an image is worth more than a thousand words so they make sure to add plenty to their posts. What's on these images you ask? Anything from puppies and nature to their very own faces. Here's the deal: you may be the prettiest person on this planet and yet I still believe LinkedIn is not the place where you should showcase that since LinkedIn is a professional networking platform. Have you heard of Facebook?

The Emoji Fan

The Emoji Fan loves using emojis in every post and comment. Their favourites are the thumbs-up 👍, the clapping hands 👏, and the popular rocket ship 🚀. They want to make the serious world of LinkedIn a bit more fun. You know what my favourite emoji is? The facepalm 🤦, because it perfectly captures how I feel when I see a post like this.

Do you know of any other group of LinkedIn users that I have not covered in my list? I'd be curious to know!

I'm not a hater. I generally like people, but sometimes I can't help but scratch my head at the strange habits and behaviours I encounter in the virtual realm. I believe we could all benefit from a dose of humility and respect for one another. Don't you agree?

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